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Our Values

“Educating Students for Success in a Changing World”

S elf-Advocating:
speak up for yourself and make good decisions about your life.

P otential Reaching:
believe in your capabilities and give only your best.

E nvironmentally Responsible:
be good stewards of the earth and its resources.

C ommunity Focused:
support those around you by being a committed worker and volunteer.

T rustworthy:
show your integrity by being honest, reliable, and dependable.

R espectful:
treat yourself and others with kindness.

U nique:
love your own irreplaceable self and see the beauty in others.

M indful:
practice compassion, gratitude, and awareness of each moment without judgement.

The Spectrum Pledge:

I pledge to be a self-advocate who believes in my potential;

to care for myself, my family, my community, and our environment.

I will show the quality of my character by being trustworthy, respectful, and valuing the

uniqueness of myself and others. I will remember that where I fail, I learn.

I will be mindful and take each moment as an opportunity to grow.